Friday, July 29, 2016

30-Day Writing Challenge: Day 10

Today's picture is from Superfamous Images (the work of Dutch interaction designer Folkert Gorter, based in Los Angeles).   The Superfamous images collection offers a lot of stunning vistas, cool pictures of stone, and interesting perspectives on water (more watery pictures can be found under the  but does it float page).  

Now, let's get writing!

There used to be few things that I feared more than my fear of heights.  I've lived in the mountains for the last ten years now, and never gotten over that terrible acrophobia.  

And I have it bad.  A yard away from any edge, and I'll already get that sickening feeling, where my stomach starts playing at being ocean waves, my head pretends to be one of those spinning globes, and my knees start shaking like there's some incredible dance move they've got to bust.  Yeah, not much fun.  And don't even talk about looking down at any height above ten feet.  You'd rather I not throw up on you, right?

None of that has really changed.  And yet... well, I guess I should just tell you what happened.

Being the older brother of a fearless girl has never made my acrophobia easier.  But when Jenny was eight, I didn't think it could get any worse.  Who else could I depend on to tell every single one of my new middle school friends that I was super scared of heights?

"Hey Jimmy, guess what?  Tim is such a scar-"  I didn't always manage to stop her in time, though, and my secret was out.  Sure there wasn't any spot on the playground to test my fear- the monkey bars and playground were safe enough.

But, I knew that everyone else was thinking of the ledge behind the school when Justin, a boy I never liked, asked me if I was afraid of heights.


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